Gifted Issues Discussion homepage
Because the forums are largely geared toward helping parents navigate the system and advocate for having the needs of their gifted children met, most of the ASD posts and resources will be focused on children. However, with patience and repeated online searches, ASD information geared toward adults may be found.

- Everything you need to know about autism in adults
by Jayne Leonard
October 30, 2019
Medical News Today

- book by James T Webb PhD, et al: Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnoses of Gifted Children and Adults (2005)

There's this doctoral dissertation from a couple of years ago, that does a few case studies on GT/ASD college students, and also has a nice review of the 2e literature, with an eye especially to ASD:

This article is specifically referenced in it:

It's only one (or two) source, but it may be of interest.
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