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UC slams the door on standardized admissions tests, nixing any SAT alternative
by Teresa Watanabe
Los Angeles Times
November 18, 2021

The University of California has slammed the door shut on using any standardized test for admissions decisions, announcing Thursday that faculty could find no alternative exam that would avoid the biased results that led leaders to scrap the SAT last year.

UC Provost Michael Brown declared the end of testing for admissions decisions at a Board of Regents meeting, putting a conclusive end to more than three years of research and debate in the nation’s premier public university system on whether standardized testing does more harm than good when assessing applicants for admission.

“UC will continue to practice test-free admissions now and into the future,” Brown said to the regents, during a discussion about a possible alternative to the SAT and ACT tests.

Testing supporters argue that standardized assessments provide a uniform measure to predict the college performance of students from varied schools and backgrounds. But UC ultimately embraced opposing arguments that high school grades are a better tool without the biases based on race, income and parent education levels found in tests.

Given UC’s size and influence, the prolonged debate was closely followed nationally as a harbinger of the future of standardized testing in admissions. Its decision to permanently drop testing requirements is likely to embolden other campuses to do likewise and accelerate the national movement to seek more equitable ways to assess a student’s potential to succeed in college.

“When you have the most prestigious university system in the nation’s most populous state functioning without test scores and developing ways to do admissions fairly and accurately without them, it’s very significant,” said Bob Schaeffer, executive director of FairTest: National Center for Fair & Open Testing. “UC already is and increasingly will become a national model for test-free admissions.”

Blacks and Hispanics do underperform whites and Asians on standardized tests, but those tests are not biased in the sense of underpredicting their performance in college.

The article says high school grades will be used. Of course they should be a factor, but grading standard vary across schools and even among teachers within the same school. A school where most of the students are weak is not going to fail most of them.
Collegeboard released some stats.

Over 90 percent of Common App member schools are test-optional, but the Common App is seeing a slight increase in test score submissions this cycle.

% of applicants reporting scores
2019-2020 81%
2020-2021 50%
2021-2022 55%

But when the Crimson at Harvard did a first year student survey of class of 2025, they found over 70% had reported. So they took kids that reported, more likely, than did not.
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