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Hello, I looked up "Summit" and nothing came up on the forums - but we are new to DYS and are excited about the Summit this summer. There is not a lot of detail on the website about it. We are trying to get our summer calendar together and are very interested in going but are hoping to get some details on it. Does anyone have any information experiences from previous summers they might be willing to share? We have a 7.5 year old (who will be 8 years old by then) PG/2E friendly, sweet, not particularly sporty and doesn't really get very into art activities, little guy who loves history, reading, and imaginative play. I'm wondering what kind of activities there might be for kids that age, for parents (both my husband and I will be going as well.) Thank you so much!
The webpage of the DYS application process includes the following information:
Step 6: Complete the enrollment process.

Applicants accepted to the Young Scholars program must complete an enrollment process before services can be made available. Details and instructions will be emailed to all accepted Young Scholars. The process requires signatures from all custodial parents agreeing to the policies that govern the Young Scholars program, including a strict confidentiality policy. It also includes confirming contact information, updating schooling information if needed, and registering for the Young Scholars Private Website.
As I recall, the strict confidentiality policy includes not disseminating details about the Summit, including dates, locations, activities, attendees, etc.

I believe the Summit information may be discussed on the DYS private website (where all are bound by the strict confidentiality policy), however this is the PUBLIC website.
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