Advantages of Tier I vs. Tier II vs. Tier III for high ability students?

In our district, schools are categorized as Tier I or Tier II or Tier III, which in turn determines the priority of certain resources as well as intensity of oversight, etc. Our elementary school is categorized as Tier I. I don't know the minimum requirements to qualify, but the Tier I category in our district includes many national blue ribbon schools as well as more than a dozen high schools that appear on mulitple "best U.S. high school" list. At the other end of the spectrum, Tier III schools are considered problematic (many categories of low scorers, high free/reduced lunch population, high ESL, etc.)

On its face, I would imagine that most parents would choose a Tier I school for obvious reasons such as higher population of GT students and better demographics. However, the resources thrown at Tier III schools are tremendous, including extra staff, first choice of teachers, constant oversight from assistant superintendent, special programs, etc. So as parents of high ability children, might it be advantageous to be at a Tier IIII school where there are potential more resources?

By the way, sorry for the confusion as I was reading several different sources at once and got my terminology tangled. I think that Tier III schools are or were designated Title I schools - one of the nearby Tier III schools was designated "Distinguished Title I" school by the DOE.

Last edited by Quantum2003; 03/24/14 11:52 AM. Reason: errors