I have a 3.5 year old daughter who has been assessed as gifted, but one thing I find disconcerting is the lack of a lot of questions she asks. I will submit that she does speak well and proper; she does ask when she is encounters new words she reads, or inquires about something new she sees. The conversation we have does not generally provoke a plethora of questions that I would otherwise expect. Typically, our conversations are about planets, dinosaurs and a vast number of other interest. Perhaps, when talking to her, I provide too much information that does not generate questions. She has always been very curious about her environment. She does read a lot and often suggesting that any question she has is answered through her reading. I do realize every child is different. However, these are the basis of my question. Is this common or have others within the forum encountered something similar? And if so, when was a change noticed?

Thanks and appreciate any insight.