Originally Posted by master of none
My dd who I don't think has ADD (at least not today)

Originally Posted by master of none
When you go over the findings with the psych, can you ask her point blank what she thinks is going on? Maybe if she can comment in her report on what he needs, then you won't have to do the asking and the psych can be the pot stirrer.
We did talk to the psych about it. She said she doesn't see enough indicators for it to be ADHD. She thinks that DS's inability to focus likely is because the work is too easy (like DS said). The worksheets at issue are at grade level in the same area of DS's greatest demonstrated strength on WJ-III (>99%). In her report, the pscyh is recommending that DS be allowed to test out of them, or use the results from his achievement test as evidence that he has tested out.

We are supposed to meet with the teacher soon. Hopefully, I can convey things in a productive way. I know she's really trying, and that she's frustrated with DS. Fingers are crossed.

Originally Posted by master of none
Have you seen the PBS series on ADD in adults?
I did see that last week. Made me wonder a lot about me. crazy