I was thinking of this example to share with school for advocacy, if I get an opportunity. I was thinking it might be good because it's explains without picking on them. Do you think school would relate to this?

Anyone want to share their examples?

DS has gone to many Park classes over the years and loved them. Last summer, we switched to a different Park organization. (The other place was under construction and didn't have anything to offer.)

The rangers took a totally different approach and talked on a very young level. I think they were trying to be fun and relate to the kids. Much of the information he knew already. DS wanted nothing to do with these classes and I could see why. It probally felt like being talked down to.

The library offered a free one day class to Fly fishing. We really are not interested in persuing Fly fishing. I thought it might be fun to see what it was about. When DS and I arrived I realized this was a class with all adults. I was a bit concerned this would not be right for DS. The instructor was very serious and sophicated with Fly Fishing. He had traveled just to fish. He discussed advantages of different equipment. DS intently listened to all of this. Then we went outside to do the practice fishing with the poles and he did fine.

Last edited by onthegomom; 02/04/10 08:18 AM.