I saw this on a presentation and thought it was useful in understanding the differences between my IQ scores and DD's.
Level of Giftedness
Older Ratio IQ Scores/SB LM
130 to 144 MG
145 to 159 HG
160 to 179 EG
180 and above PG
Modern Standard Scores/eg:WISC IV and SBV
130 to 137 Gifted
138 to 144 HG
145 to 151 EG
152 and above PG
Presenter: David Palmer, Ph.D., is an educational psychologist specializing in GATE testing, IQ testing for educational planning, and learning disability assessment and consultation. He also directs the Palmer Learning Center in Orange County, California.
To access go to
http://learn.uci.edu and create a new login. Then paste
http://learn.uci.edu/cms/course/view.php?id=2829From this e-mail:
Thank you all again for your continued interest in UC Irvine Extension�s Gifted & Talented Education webinar series. Many of you were unable to attend all four webinars in May and have expressed an interest in accessing the recordings and documents associated with this month-long offering. To meet your needs, we have posted recordings of all four Gifted & Talented Education webinars in UC Irvine Extension�s Open Courseware site. The site includes links to each webinar as well as PDF of the PowerPoint presentations and all handouts that were distributed.
To access the seminars, users must first create an account by clicking create new account at the right just underneath the login button. After creating an account, simply log in and paste the website
http://learn.uci.edu/cms/course/view.php?id=2829 into the address bar of your browser. When prompted to enter an enrollment, type in the following: gate_access. Please feel free to send the link and enrollment key to anyone else that you feel would be interested in viewing this information.
By registering for this site, you will be able to access all four GATE webinar recordings as often as you�d like. Every time you subsequently login at
http://learn.uci.edu, you will find Gifted and Talented Education Seminars and Community listed in MY COURSES on the left hand side and won�t need to enter the enrollment key again.
Feel free to contact me with any questions about this upcoming GATE community or our current GATE Certificate Program. Thanks again for your interest in this series and your continued support of UC Irvine Extension!
Amanda Yngelmo
Program Representative
UC Irvine Extension
(949) 824-9304
(949) 824-3651 Fax