I'm not sure if this is the right forum, but I wonder if anyone has experience with either of the above tests. We are considering a certain hard-to-get-into private school for middle school and high school, and they require one of two tests, the ISEE or the SSAT. Unlike a situation in which a person is merely looking for IQ info, the goal having dd take one of these tests would be to score as high as possible so as to increase the odds of admission to the school. It's not stricly a gifted school, but it seems there are quite a number of bright kids (e.g. something like 10% of the graduating high school class were national merit scholars). I really like what I've read about the program so far (except for the cost, of course).
We have a few more years to think about it - three more years before DD would need to take the test - but I find myself trying to plan for the future. DD was a bit of a 2E kid/late bloomer, though now she seems to be making progress (finally ahead of grade level in reading, etc.). We did IQ testing a year and a half ago, and don't really have a current plan to repeat it at the moment since we wouldn't use the score for anything more than information (at the time, the testers had said that her score might go up following completion of vision therapy et al.). The only thing I could use re-testing IQ/achievement info for would be to see if she indeed is achieving commensurate with her abilities (was not the case last time), in time to rectify/work on managing any other LD-type issues prior to the admission testing for middle school. But then there's that hefty price tag (guess it's not much when compared to the cost of a single year of school though - thinking out loud here

So, if anyone knows whether there are advantages of either the ISEE or SSAT over the other, for a VSL with possible LDs, I'd love to hear about it. I know very little about either one of these tests. Thanks!!