I was looking for another topic, but decided to just start this.
I know that there is much negative thought about athletic recruitment but I thought for many this is an option to enhance a kid's application to a desired school. And for many parents with young kids, I wanted to post some things. I found this:
Several years ago, when the overall admission rate to MIT was 8%, roughly 25% of the Flagged (by the head coaches) athletes were admitted (and the head coaches typically only flag applicants with great academic records as well, since they don�t want to �lose a flag�).
Whereas that same year, the overall admission rate to Harvard was roughly 7% and the admission rate for recruited athletes was about 84%.
I know that you can enhance an application by starting a company, be of certain ethnic group, but athletics can give you a big hook. And help financially. I know a girl who got into Dartmouth, track and field, who was given full financial aid. She was into running, did well, not enough for the Olympics, but dedicated track athlete. She also went to the same academic private school as DD, so she had the academic scores and education to do well at Dartmouth. And that is what this is about. Having the scores to get in, but trying to get picked out of the pile.
I think that providing a sports outlet is necessary to create balance for a kid. And if that helps them get into a school, all the better. You don't have to be a star to be a rower. Just a dedicated morning athlete. It doesn't cost a lot. Even my kid, she sails. Not super cheap but not really expensive, but she is on the lake 5 days a week all summer. It is a really good release. And great for recruiting.
There is a lot posted in this forum about all kinds of intellectual pursuits, and I just bragged that my kid was a semifinalist in Technovation Girls Challenge. Amazing program where she had to create and build an app and then write a business plan. She goes to a program in marine science and do scientific research at UNC. But I think athletics is also a necessary balance and provides help for future college plans.
So I am posting my two cents that I think starting athletic activities is a good thing for balance and college applications.