What worked for us: dropping the nap and a strict 7 p.m. bedtime. After 7 p.m., any time he came out of his bedroom, he got put back in bed with no eye-contact or talking. We warned him as we put him to bed that this was his last chance for that burning question or that last cuddle.

Our first was (and is) an incredibly easy and reliable sleeper, so it was hard work getting number two to sleep properly.

You'll likely need to sacrifice your own night owl ways to get her in a good sleeping pattern. Anecdotally, the friends I have with kids who sleep in tend to be difficult at bedtime, and the kids, who like mine, are up like clockwork at 6 a.m., tend to go down easier at night.

See if you can move the sleeping times to wake up at 7 a.m., no nap, bedtime at 8 p.m. Most effective would be combining this with a short bedtime routine (that finishes at 8 p.m., rather than starts at 8 p.m.) and a firm insistence that she stays in her room after bedtime (no rewarding cuddling, joining in adult time, etc.).

Ours can play in their rooms from 6 a.m., but that didn't start (effectively) until closer to 3. With our oldest, we told him once if he woke up, he could turn on his light to play. We found him at 10 p.m. playing with his toys. After that, we said that it had to be after 6 a.m.