Originally Posted by DeeDee
The "Sheldon" stereotype is in broad circulation now.

As an aside, our cat is named Sheldon. Guess who named her? (We thought she was a boy--we call her Shelly now.)

Panzer--I have no expertise in the legal side and very little (poorly executed) experience with the advocacy side, but anecdotally: if I knew then what I know now, I'd put aside a lot of the academic concerns and push, push, push on the social skills. Why? Because kids with good social skills have a much better time with teachers, and the teacher-relationship is going to shape a lot of your son's school success. They are such sponges at young ages, support and remediation will be easier for all of you. And intellectual learning is going to happen with a child as gifted as yours, although much will probably happen outside of the classroom.

If he can learn the social pieces, the higher-level, classroom driven instruction will be easier to access as well.

He sounds delightful, BTW. It's all a lot to process for you, on so many levels. Sending you some positive thoughts.