I do not want to hijack another thread about gifted kids as CHIPS.
When we say Gifted, most of the time we are referring to individuals with high IQ. And many parents with non gifted kids scoffed at the term and they say that all the kids are gifts from god and some are gifted in other ways than academically.
So, I thought may be we could change to Genius Spectrum kids or "GS kids" instead of gifted kids. It sounds a lot like ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) but I wouldn't put D in there because Genius Spectrum is not a disorder although some may have 2E.
The classification remains the same as moderate, high, exceptional and profound according to their IQ scores. Or we may add mild and 2E.
I guess it will solve the issue with being too general in term but it still sounds elitist. Oh, well