For families who may be considering purchasing gifts for donating at non-profits, charities, schools, hospitals, etc...
To understand and meet needs, contacting an organization may be helpful, as storage space can be scarce. Some organizations may post their requests or wish-lists on their website.
In general, crayon donations may be high,
donations for children age 3-10 may be common,
donations for infants to age 3 may be less common,
donations for teens may be scarce.
Sometimes teens ask for a boxed activity: a teen-level art set, a knitting kit, science set, game, popular book, etc something to keep them mentally and physically occupied while learning something new: a gift which represents hope, self-improvement, betterment.
Kits, books, and items in even-sized stackable boxes may be easiest to store and transport (as well as to wrap, when that may be a consideration). Oversized or odd-shaped items may present storage, handling, and transporting difficulties.
Many organizations do not accept or distribute donations of toys which depict violence in any way. This may include swords, guns, dart guns, some action figures including toys which may be popular at the moment (Halo, Thor, Ninja Turtles).
This year I've seen an increase in requests for hats, scarves, mittens and gloves. For general wear, fleece is often warmer than knit goods which may allow the wind to pass through. Some families find neck gaiters such as
Turtle Fur neck warmers to be a safer scarf alternative.