What an interesting topic- I love reading everyone's posts - I have been wondering the same thing -my DS5 just does not seem to make a connection with anyone in his classroom (he is right now the oldest child)and I was wondering about whether or not I try to push get togethers with the others in his class. Last year, there was a girl in his class for about 6 months who was a year older than him and they were best buddies and were basically inseparable - they would carry on long conversations and they both loved math and science -when she left to go onto K at the end of the year last year, he was really sad and went right back to being one of the few children who tends to play by himself in the classroom. When he gets the chance to be around 7-8 year old kids, he fits right in socially and completely brightens up. I was SOOO happy to see that this summer, some of the teachers at his preschool are having their own children come to the school during the day because their elementary school is out for the summer. My little guy became best buds with an 8 year old little girl who is in the other classroom - they both love all the same thing - again math and science- and when the classrooms combine together in the afternoon they get to hang out. For the past week, when I come to pick him up, instead of seeing him playing by himself outside he has been with his new friend just talking away non-stop together with big grins on their faces. He finally has someone that he can talk with on his level who is interested and understands what he is talking about.