Thank you for someone just posted the 2012 Spring data, I found my boy is not particularly outstanding and actually he doesn’t improve much over the year except Math since he is taking 4th grade math.
Lack of growth would indicate to me that he is being taught material that is not appropriately challenging not that he is less able than you thought.
I am still seeing his scores as very high looking at the most recent norms here: for spring reading MAPS for a 2nd grader is the 98th percentile, 222 for spring language is also the 98th percentile for a 2nd grader, and 237 in math is beyond the 99th for 2nd and 3rd.
I am talking to the school and see whether they will let my boy skip a grade. Now probably I will hold on to it and see whether he can get into the gifted class next year.
I wouldn't rule out a grade skip and wouldn't count on a gifted class meeting his needs unless it is pretty selective and advanced. What does the gifted programming look like at his school? Is it just a pull out enrichment program or do they accelerate the core curricula? What are the criteria for admission? If your son is going to be one of the most able or high achieving students in the class, I'd consider asking for something more.