Thank you SO much Cousin T,

I visited the site and read everything. Maybe you see something in me that I don't. Through self-reflection I found that I already do these things with realizing what I'm doing(RC). My single largest frustration with "RC" is trying to help those who don't want it. I have tendancies of recognizing potential in other people, and I am deeply emotionally affected when a person wants to ignore or throw it away. What is "FWIW"? I wish I could say the same for myself....I tend to use caffeen when I'm down in the dumps. I use nicotine to keep my overactive mind at bay throughout the day so I don't those philosophical headaches. I use alcohol to slow my thought process enough in order to sleep, without it I suffer from severe insomnia. Wanna hear something funny? The movie "Good Will Hunting" disturbed me pretty bad. I teared up many times throughout the movie and was an emotional basketcase for weeks afterwards. I envied his opportunity, and I am like his character in many ways. I hate the movie because of its accuracy to my life and refuse to own it. All that over a movie? LOL. But in real life experiences, I rarely project the expected level of emotion in a given situation. I haven't shed a tear in 8.5 years from a 'real' situation, but a movie, short story, book or poem can jerk those tears right out. The Psy. Dr. I was seeing 4 years ago tried to understand all this. He told me that I was good at repressing things in my head, and I need to confront them. For the life of me I'v tried to. I just can't seem to remember. What do you think?