"Gifted" is a funny term. Everyone used it differently. Some of us parents have 'Gifted Denial.' Many gifted children are born to parents who are themselves gifted, and grew up with many gifted sibs, cousins, aunts and uncles, etc. so certian behavior that looks 'gifted' to ND (Normally Developing - my phrase) folks looks normal to us. That is to be expected. But it is confusing. For a long time I just thought I was 'weird' and hoped my 'weirdness' wouldn't 'rub off' on my sweet baby. Now I joke about 'the taint' as so much of this is genetic, and it feels like history can't be escaped.

BTW - most teachers come from ND families and only see a few 'regular gifted' kids per year (top 2%ish) and only see kids like yours once every 30 years. Can you be suprised that the teacher see things very differently than you with your sibs, cousins, etc. (assuming that you grew up with your biologicals?)

Have you sat in the classroom and observed what is going on? I think that's the best way to see if DS6 is working at his readiness level, lost, or bored silly. YOu know him best.

Hee Hee - I used to assume that when my friend's kids were alone with their moms they were acting just like my kid did when alone with me. Actually no. Every way of developing is good, but the key is that someone can percieve the child's readiness level, and get them into an academic situation that sort of matches it.

My advice is 'watch and learn' - can this be done? also, call your psychologist and ask for help. But don't look to retesting as the next step. Look at alternative school options! This ISN'T your Fault!

Love and More Love,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com