traceyqns - My DYS son had a certified gifted teacher. GT was very nice person but did not seem to get the learning needs of my DYS son. I wondered how long ago she was certified and if she did anything to stay current. OR was it the school/Principal who held back getting my son what he needed. In consulsion, a gifted certification can be helpful but it's not always the solution. When I came to this school, I thought we are all set they have a gifted program for kids. (I had lots to learn.)

I read in "Teaching gifted kids in the regular classroom" an example with a gifted teacher inlightened by a Gifted seminar. She was proud of her gifted student for "A"s on all the Spelling. Then she learned to pretest and found they already knew the words.

Pretest and Pace of learning seems to be a big part of the solution need.