We received a letter like that for our DYS. We originally did not send in work samples. Now we dragged our feet almost the whole year before addressing it. At the time I was half excited to be eligible and have terrified we really were in that group.

Now by the time we resubmitted we did have new WJs due to a change in schooling - but the bigger part I think was digging up work samples. We sent in two little piles. We sent in a collection of stories and poems she wrote. I found it helpful to google around "sample x grade writing". As it was hard to realize what is "special" when it is your oldest child. So we looked at samples of what kids were/should be writing 2, 3, and 4 grades up. The second pile we had some math doodles she did in the corners of her school journal. We also sent a link to website we posted video. Now this felt SO weird. We didn't have anything "natural" - so we literally put the 7 year old in front of a chalk board and taped while asking her things like multiple our address by daddy's age. We added some sudoko puzzles the weird kid has loved since 4 or 5. And we I think we included a little video conversation about some books she had read.

It was worth the time. It seemed like it took 2 days to write out the app and another 3 days to dig in our unorganized house for stories etc. But Davidson's helped us so much in preparing to meet with teachers - make school choice decisions - and provided us with great links to resources the kids love. Best of all - via Davidson she made a best friend who lives a few towns away.