The most amazing thing about my daughter is that I can't say when she did her first social smile, cause I think she may have come out that way! Everyone told us it was impossible, so I kept doubting it, but when we visited her ped just before three weeks, the doctor was surprised as she had never seen a baby smile at her at such a young age. She also didn't cry much at all, but instead orated non-words within a few hours of birth. It always irritated me when I read that crying is a baby's only way of communicating.

Anyway, walking was 9 months 9 days (dancing and running by 12 months), not sure about crawling. She sang (no decipherable words) when she was maybe 6 months. She was very shy about talking, so I can't say when she started, but she used many other communication techniques to tell stories about the day when a caretaker would come home. I will not be surprised when she becomes a performer. She didn't switch to speaking until almost 18 months, but was almost instantly talking in sentences. (She is a bilingual child who likes to learn things "secretly.") At 20 months she used to play with language (i.e. restate phrases using different tenses and sentence structures) , and was cracking jokes by this time as well.