Originally Posted by Dottie
There ARE a lot of studies being done. What I want to know, is how I can get my kid signed up for them (and the free IQ tests that go along with that!!!!)

I have a very good friend who is a child psychologist. He doesn't routinely do IQ testing, but he is trained in this area and does it from time to time to keep in practice with it. He called me the other day and asked if my girls would be willing to be guinea pigs for him by letting him give them the SB. My kids jumped at the chance because they love him. He's great with kids, and my girls know him from church and feel comfortable with him. He won't write up a formal report because he's doing it for practice and because he's such a good friend. However, he says it will give us an idea of their abilities.

This is great for us because DD9 has never been formally tested at school. She was only given a screener (NNAT) and was denied further testing because of her score. However, she's very verbal and not good at visual-spatial stuff. DD6 is going to be screened by the school soon.