she sounds A LOT like my oldest daughter iv gone back and forth on wheather or not she was gifted because while she reached her early milestones early (crawled at 5mo. walked at 8.9mo. sat an looked at books at 6mo. and brought me stacks of them to read her at 9mo.) at about 15mo. she actually stopped talking and didnt talk again till 2 then she started talking in sentences and using large words and at 2 1/2 she just randomly started saying her ABC's one day then another day we just heard her in her room counting to 10 (we had not even really said abc's w/her or counted)but then after that when she was 3-4 everything seemed a little less impressive she wasnt reading like some other young gifteds she wasnt doing math she actually rejected numbers at 3yrs old (she does simple addition now)then wouldnt even count passed 2 she just refused she new letters and letter sounds at three and could do 24+ peice puzzles

we have gotten passed that time where i doubted her giftedness because now she has started sounding out words at 4yrs...

as you said about your daughter iv just always known she was different you can tell she is gifted more by talking to her and watching her play then by asking her to do school stuff...