I am sooooooo frustrated. My child is going to be tested, to see if she can qualify for the 3rd Grade Gifted Program in Florida. There is no information on what the test entails, or how to prepare for it. I guess there is a reason, however we can't skip Grades in Pasco County-Florida anylonger. Math Wise, she is ...I don't know...above gradelevel for sure, but has not been thought the in-between-stuff. F.I., she suddendly tells me, on the way to the Pool: Mom, if you want to take 18 away from 15- all you have to do is put a minus down and you get "-3". She always comes up with the wierdest Math Stuff. Reading: yes she can read at a 4rth Grade Level but only comprehends 60% of it. She maintained that from the 1rst Grade Testing. I am raising her bi-lingual (German). So, I am not supprised at the result. Her friend, also is going to be tested, scored higher on the comprehension part, but lower in math.
SAT score for 2nd Grade was: 7 in reading/comprehension (one question away from an 8), 9 in math (missed 2 questions).

Is there a way to prepare for this test? What can I expect? What is it they are looking for?

My child has been bored for the most part of 2nd Grade, but is adamit about getting "Perfect Attendance".

Any advise, help? Please!
Sincerely ClC