I had never realized how lucky we are until I found this board. It just astonishes me to read about "friends" and family telling your children they only think they can read, that they can't really do the stuff they're sitting there doing, and all the other things that you've had to put up with. We have never had anyone tell DS6 that he can't do what he does--they only have to be around him for a few minutes before they figure out what he can do, and the first thing they want to do is go show him off to somebody else! Pretty soon they just take him for granted and don't think about it anymore.

The schools are another matter--we are very lucky in our school and teachers so far, with everyone recognizing his abilities and just working to document it for future program plans. But I was raised in a household that put no stock in the supposed intelligence of anyone working for a school or school district, with ample reason. My parents went around and around with the schools for all of us, fighting every step of the way against ignorance and stupidity, and I am all geared up for that battle if it ever comes! Since we are intentionally keeping our kids out of the school district that I grew up in, I may not have to fight as much.

But anyway, I just wanted to say that you guys have opened my eyes to a world I hadn't imagined--I'm sorry for your travails, and glad for the warning.