My DD was just screened for GATE for the second time (both times referred by her teacher). She did not pass either screening and was given the NNAT both times. My DD is highly verbal, although she's never been given a full IQ test. Her weakness is definitely visual-spatial. She is in advanced reading and math and is still bored in school. She is only 1 point away (on the state's matrix of multiple criteria) from qualifying for full testing through the school, scoring very high in areas of performance and characteristics. Although her NNAT scores are only average (110 the first time and 99 the second time), I know that she could not achieve at the level she does with an average IQ. Her teachers have said the same thing. Is this common? Can a high/aciever or gifted kid have an average NVIQ?

I will have more insight on this when she takes the OLSAT in the spring.