oh sheesh. bear in mind that Mite's VCI was 136, with indication of stress anxiety and perfectionism having strong effect on testing. His PRI, WMI and PSI, in my opinion, were invalid because of his disability with his hands (dyspraxia/graphomotor type).

I just found out the school district doesn't count a hi VCI as gifted!!!! Also, the school psychologist doesn't know what twice exceptionality is!!!

Here is an email from the school psychologist..

"In reference to your question, it depends how giftedness is defined. A component of the measurement of giftedness can consist of the overall score on an IQ test. I recall some definitions that refer to an overall score of 130 (98th percentile, very superior range) or higher. I am unclear on the meaning of "twice exceptionality."

While we were not evaluating Mite for giftedness, he certainly obtained some very superior verbal subtest scores. That information should be helpful to [Name of Gifted Coordinator for District] as he will be the one to determine whether Mite meets the district's definition of giftedness."

THEN the district gifted coordinator said...

"The best answer I can give is "I think so." As I recall my conversation with Mike (whom you should probably call for verification) Mite has some VERY high aptitudes, coupled with some difficulties (no surprise to you, I gather). My
take was that - regardless of specific placement
(cluster/noncluster & IEP or not)- it would be wise for his teacher(s) to be aware that there were "dual exceptionalities" noted.

I was not involved in the in take/testing/assessment other
than to call [school psychologist quoted above] and chat with [principal].

I would hope Mite would be placed with the teacher(s) most
able to differentiate for his profile."

Not in the least Dr. Gifted and Dr. School Psychologist.

What do We do now?

Willa Gayle