I have another question regarding the SCAT, specifically the score reporting option available through CTY. The basic score results come with the standard fee. CTY describes an "individualized report" for an additional $200 that includes the basic report plus individual educational placement and planning." At what point do you go for the individualized report? I am having my 2nd grader take the SCAT because he scored very high on his MAP, in all areas, has been placed in a pull-out math program, given above grade spelling, and is in the highest literature group his 2nd grade offers, and he is still bored.

My initial thought is to wait for the basic report, come here with his scores, post them and see what our resident experts think I should do. If they feel that his scores are enough that they warrant additional action at school, then maybe the individualized report would be extremely helpful, especially coming from an independent 3rd party - Johns Hopkins, nonetheless.


The problem is I feel like the clock is ticking, he is bored. We are waiting to get our info from CTY, and it will be a while before we actually get numbers. Uhhhhh- sometimes I feel like I am spinning my wheels and going nowhere!