Nobody forces tertiary level students to select any particular subject. If they aren’t capable of understanding the material sufficiently to pass, they should have dropped the subject. It’s a shame that someone who has given and achieved so much in his field should be so unceremoniously cut off because, as it seems, many Gen Z are struggling with academic independence after being spoon fed through school by tutors and academic coaching.

I used to be a Uni guest lecturer and when student appraisals were introduced, I thought that the feedback reflected just as much about the students as the lecturer. For the same lecture, I got maximum scores from a handful of students and one comment that read ‘brilliant woman - the most I’ve ever learnt in one lecture’, to a student who gave me the minimum possible score and the comment ‘completely lost me at the start’. Luckily, my job security has nothing to do with teaching, although after that, I have put great effort into scaffolding all my presentations.