Welcome DWL! And congratulations on your (fairly) new little person!

Perhaps you could tell us a little (within your comfort zone) about your DD's current interests and activities.

Our family's experiences with children this age was that simply having a wide range of experiences in everyday life was valuable. We went outside, walked around neighborhoods, stopped to look at and explore whatever was in the environment, visited the zoo, science/art/history museums just to look and experience (not even necessarily to impart specific knowledge), met people in most walks of life, traveled according to our budget and time constraints, did household chores (cooked, cleaned, did laundry, yardwork, repaired things), cared for plants, animals and siblings, played in the dirt/sand/water, watched clouds, etc.

It's good that your DD is on track or even ahead on milestones, but do keep in mind that the range of typical development is quite wide, so even if at some point she seems "behind" in some domain, it's probably not a concern. Toddlers often progress in fits and starts, with periods of apparent quiescence followed by sudden leaps forward. Development is a natural process for little people, and requires negligible curation by adults around them, as long as they have the essentials (basic physical needs, security, the presence of loving caregivers). If you spend enough time simply being with, observing, and responding to your child, you will learn what piques her curiosity, and will then be able to follow her lead, and feed her interests.

If she is happy, healthy, growing and loved, then you are already doing enough. Enjoy!

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...