Hi, I have a 4th grade son (and 2 others). We recently moved and he changed schools. Last year, based on the COGAT and GRS, he was fully admitted in the gifted program for reading and math. However, when I mentioned his previous gifted placement his new school said he had to redo placement. So, he took diagnostic tests on the first week. The gifted teacher said the results indicate he will only receive gifted services in math, not ELA. Honestly, I do not think he was able to demonstrate his full capability due to the overwhelming and stressful nature of starting a new school. Should I push further for the full gifted services with ELA, or should I let it be. Has anyone been in a similar situation? We were hoping to send him to a charter school in the near future regardless. Thanks

Last edited by Vansh; 09/02/22 10:22 AM.