I know it's been a while since thread was last posted, but here's some thoughts as someone who's done college for comp sci and seen a number of talented kids.

Classes will NOT help if he's talented enough. I know some kids who found adequate challenge with the International Informatics Olympiad or the IMO, or something similar. At college, the talented students largely teach themselves. Coursera, edx courses, MIT OCW, The OdinProject, USACO training pages, etc. Trying to get involved in some open source coding, looking up the documentation and trying to solve problems. In any of these activities, the peer groups will act as natural teachers, and a large part of the learning is by doing. None of this would be beyond a highly talented 7th grader imo, after all you see 8th and 9th graders winning IMO medals which are much harder than college programming courses. There's very good online resources available.