As spaghetti has observed, every parent has children who are gifted (and challenged) in ways we ourselves were (are) not. It may be academic, or it may be social, or emotional, or physical, or economic, or...

But the principal difference between parents and children is that parents have learned (and, one hopes, are still learning!) from life--how to be a human, and thus have much more to teach children than academics.

(And, fwiw, don't be too quick to assume that you and your DH are not intellectually gifted--you've described other exceptionalities that very well could have masked your gifts in childhood. For example, you may have done better in college than in high school not only for the reasons you observed, but also because many persons identified as ADHD have a delayed brain maturation pattern in the frontal lobes that results in their organizational and executive functions looking much like someone about two to three years younger, with the process reaching a mature adult state in the late 20s or early 30s instead of the mid 20s.)

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...