A favorite children’s book – “Trouble for Trumpets” by Peter Dallas-Smith.

This may be a favorite largely due to the captivating illustrations, by artist Peter Cross.

The book imaginatively tells the story of the change of seasons and the passage of time, flowing like a river through the seasons of the year. It is richly illustrated with beautifully detailed, colorful drawings combining nature and cutaway views offering a glimpse into a visionary, gadgety, original world, existing partly underground.

I especially like this customer review:
Originally Posted by review
... It's great for cognitive development in children, and fascinating, complex, imaginative artwork for adults...
The book was published back in the 1980's - 1990's and one can now experience a bit of difficulty in finding a copy to purchase. Fortunately, the book may be accessed via:
- World Library Online Catalog - https://www.worldcat.org/title/trouble-for-trumpets/oclc/22134332
- Internet archive, with an account - https://archive.org/details/troublefortrumpe00cros