New York city is changing GT admissions for the 2021-2022 school year.

2021 Admissions
- This year, for children applying to enter programs in fall 2021, Gifted & Talented (G&T) offers will be made differently than in previous years.
- We will not be administering a G&T test.
- Instead, families and educators will help identify students for accelerated learning.

Who Can Participate
- For families with children entering first, second, and third grades in fall 2021: Offers to G&T programs will be made to children from last year's G&T waitlists. The DOE will not be accepting new applications for these seats.
- All families with children born in 2016 who live in New York City—including those who have temporarily relocated due to the COVID-19 pandemic—can participate in G&T admissions.

How to Participate:
If you would like your child who was born in 2016 to apply for kindergarten G&T programs, here’s what to do and expect this year:

1. Submit an Application.
Starting March 8, you can submit a Gifted & Talented application for your child. You can apply to up to 12 programs on your child's application.

2. Current Program or DOE Questionnaire
For children currently enrolled in pre-K programs: Once you have applied, educators from your family’s pre-K school or program will then complete a questionnaire to determine if your child is eligible to apply for a G&T seat.
For children NOT enrolled in pre-K programs: Once you have applied, the DOE’s Early Childhood Team will complete this questionnaire based on a short remote interview.

3. Learn if Your Child is Eligibile
Beginning in mid-May, we will notify all families who submitted an application whether or not their child is eligible to be considered for admission to G&T programs this year.

4. Understand How G & T Offers Are Made
All eligible children will then be considered for admission to G&T programs.
Some of these applicants (such as siblings of current students) will be prioritized for offers, consistent with previous policies.
If there are more applicants than seats available within any priority group, offers will be made within that group according to applicants’ randomly assigned numbers, as in a lottery.

5. Receive Your G & T Results
Participating families will receive their results—which may include a G&T offer—this summer, ahead of fall 2021.