Hi folks,

A few years back DD (then 5) was tested by her school using the WPPSI III, in order to see if she qualified for their enrichment program. At the time I was worried about the gap between her manipulation/fluid reasoning (125) and her processing speed (87).

Skip forward a few years and DD (now nearly 8) has just done testing for ADHD that included WISC V. This time her processing speed is higher (126) and working memory and fluid reasoning are lower (91 and 100).

Anyone have any idea what's going on? Can these things flip around like that?

I'm really surprised that her results came back neither gifted nor ADHD because I've been pretty sure since she was a toddler that she was both. But mostly I'm confused about where to go next because I'm very sure that DD has some kind of divergence going on, whether it's ADHD or something else, that her teachers don't see because they don't work with her on a micro-level and see how her thought process works (which is very strange, very often).

Fwiw, both tests were given in the school language, which is much weaker than her home language, but the teacher said she made sure that DD understood the instructions.

Anyhow. If anyone has any thoughts on the big gaps and the strange reversal in strengths and weaknesses please let me know!