Continuing with article 1:
"America's gifted education programs have a race problem. Can it be fixed?"
by Danielle Dreilinger,
The Hechinger Report,
October 14, 2020,
published by NBCnews.

This article links to a Purdue report, "System Failure - Access Denied, Gifted Education in the United States"
- Downloaded the 6-page Executive Summary.
- Downloaded the 209-page Full Report.

By sheer volume, there are lots of pages to read and digest in the Purdue report. However a quick skim does not reveal new concepts and ideas... just reiterates/reinforces the shift in wording (from: students having a "need" for curriculum at their zone of proximal development ... which may be at a different level for intellectually "gifted" than for most age-mates... to: other entities, such as schools, organizations, demographic populations having a "need" to meet an externally imposed accountability requirement to identify proportionally equivalent numbers of students as having "gifts and talents"... and/or to reveal "gifts and talents" in all pupils).

In this evolutionary change of wording, it appears as though the national conversation on "gifted education" is:
1) no longer student-centered (what does each student "need")
2) no longer focused on intellectual giftedness

The Purdue report material may take some time to wade through.