Originally Posted by ChasingTwo
In my opinion, I do not believe that pointing out what appears to be bias or misinformation is equivalent to veering off-topic. In fact, it seems the responsible thing to do if the goal is to raise awareness among parents of gifted children.
What bias or misinformation, ChasingTwo...?

Is it bias to alert parents of gifted children of the potential for some to participate in pathologizing giftedness...
and that misdiagnosis that may lead to unnecessary Rx of schedule 2 narcotics...?

As a reader of this article, I believe that everyone involved with the gifted should be aware of this.
If you contact the article author, suggesting points to rewrite, please do share the resulting updated article with us.

I wish you all the best with your quest to learn more about how frequently misdiagnosis occurs, as compared with how frequently a diagnosis is missed, and which error has greater impact.