Originally Posted by Cyriopagopus
10th grade... interests... neuroscience.
As a high school sophomore, reading the work of others in the field may help you begin to hone your specific interests, identify ways to contribute to improvements for humanity, and create a meaningful career.

You may already be aware of several neuroscience resources, including articles, research papers, books, and simplified information meant for the public... if you have searched posts on this forum.

1) Neuroscience for Kids - https://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/neurok.html

2) The movie Concussion (2015), with Will Smith portraying Dr. Bennet Omalu who discovered the connection between concussions and CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy).

3) A baby's development of neural pathways in the brain can be fueled when people talk to and read to the baby.
- DOE archive, Read With Me.
- NPR article, Baby Talk (Hart & Risley).
- Study overview and book description here.
- Book: Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Experience of Young American Children.
- Companion Book: The Social World of Children Learning to Talk
- Children of the Code (Risley)

4) Brain rules for Baby, and videos, by John Medina.

5) How to control someone else's arm with your brain
Greg Gage
March 2015
Originally Posted by TED video and transcript
... one out of five of us, that's 20 percent of the entire world, will have a neurological disorder... it seems that what we should be doing is reaching back earlier in the education process and teaching students about neuroscience... if we took this complex equipment that we have for studying the brain and made it simple enough and affordable enough...

And so we did just that. A few years ago, we started a company called Backyard Brains and we make DIY neuroscience equipment... electrophysiology! We're going to bring on the neuro-revolution.

This is just a small sampling to help you get started in sifting through resources to determine what sparks your interest and what problems you may want to identify, research, and contribute toward resolving, to help make the world a better place.