Originally Posted by MumOfThree
However, and this is by far the biggest issue for us, there is no moral/social/emotional content to math, at least not in the k-12 years of math content. Doing math years beyond your peers is just math, and it's likely to be beautiful and engaging. Engaging with more "verbal"subjects years in advance of your age is a can of worms. My child is currently doing CTY verbal courses as part of their homeschool work and its really just busy work. It's better busy work than school, but that's what it is, they are not really learning anything other than how to do an online course, and how to work within the American system (which is useful up to a point). I looked at going up an age bracket but the content is not appropriate.

Yeah... I feel like there could be curricula that were appropriate, but I don't know that they exist. Material aimed at a certain age group that was written at an earlier time is often more sophisticated, vocabulary-wise and literarily, but it often brings with it a lot of cultural baggage (what some people have called "The Racism/Sexism/Etc. Fairy") that you might not want to get into.

A curriculum that gets into more sophisticated literary analysis, writing, etc. based on literature that is appropriate for a certain age seems like it could fill an unfilled niche.

I don't know how old the child in question is, but when I was elementary-middle school age, I educated myself in this regard. I read encyclopedias, my parents' book about cultural literacy, etc. I memorized Shakespeare soliloquies, taught myself about metrical poetry, and wrote some (terrible) sonnets. Maybe getting into the poetry end of things could be a way to introduce more sophisticated literary concepts without introducing age-inappropriate topics? I was quite fond of the textbook Sound and Sense at that age, and I also quite like Writing Metrical Poetry by William Baer.