The complete list of scores is even more consistent. She has excellent skills across the board (although she presents as slightly better at math than reading/writing), with complex applied and fluency skills uniformly in the top 2%. At this point, I wouldn't put any more thought into whether time demands affect her performance. Her reading comprehension is exactly the same as her reading fluency. Her oral fluency is much stronger than her oral expression. Her math fluency is higher (though not significantly so) than her untimed math calculations. Her length of spontaneous writing is highly comparable to her quality of written response. That about covers the comparisons of timed and untimed skills possible.

It is true that all of her basic skills (untimed) are about 15 points lower, but again, I think these reflect the two points I mentioned previously (ceiling, instruction). And they are all in at least the Above Average range.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...