Thank you for your responses Portia and Aeh. Yes I totally agree with following the child’s interests and in our house they make the decisions on what they want to do or be involved with. If it was up to me they would all be in sports but that is my interest not theirs. I focus on a lot of free choice and decision making by the child. I guess I really do not think of our home as a learning environment but maybe it is more than I realized. I was thinking of school in which they often must sit and listen to verbal instructions most of the day. I just wondering if sometimes children would benefit with more hands on and visual instruction. I was just curious about ADHD but not with too much significance just with having one of my DS8’s past teachers thinking they had this. Luckily, I had him seeing a therapist who really got to know DS and determined he did not have it but with some of their behaviors in the classroom appeared that way.