watched a documentary on Bill Gates. Bill Gates as he is now, with his philanthropy. Bill is high end on the math spectrum, not Terrance Tao, but what I noted, is applied math. I am high end on the math spectrum, but love applied math. It is problem solving.

Anyway, Bill Gates loves computers, went deep at a time no one was going deep and found a niche. Perfect storm. Worked in so many ways. But in this documentary it is that Bill reads 15 books a week on a wide variety of subjects. From one extreme to another. He just reads. Absorbs knowledge, get a perspective that has a bunch of components. Going deep works, teaches research, but going broad gives a whole different perspective. My late DH would get interested in something and read texts on some subject, absorb as much as he good. Go to the research library, finding those texts. He was like Encyclopedia britannica, could tell you facts about all kinds of subjects. But there are the literal thinkers that can tell you all kinds of facts, then there are the visual spacial thinkers that look at the picture and how it fits, what doesn't fit.

No one shoe fits all for me. Maybe your kid is this, maybe your kid is that. I am finding that my kid is finding her own way, and when I try and guide it one way, it bounces and figures her own best way.