Welcome! Our apologies for not noticing this earlier.

First, yes, this would be reasonable support for some variety of GT-ness, specifically in the verbal area. And yes, also suggestive of a possible 2e. Generally speaking, the remaining domains are average (with the exception of the WMI subtest Zoo Locations). I would probably describe the profile less as scatter than as a focal strength in verbal cognition, where there is a fair degree of consistency in the other areas.

We would need more information to more confidently interpret, but I can suggest some areas to watch. Very strong verbal cognition in combination with poor auditory processing may combine for unexpectedly slow reading development in comparison to oral language. The speech articulation concerns, taken together with not-amazing motor skills suggest that there may be value in closely monitoring fine-motor development, possibly with a speech pathologist and/or occupational therapist look-in. I list both specialists because sometimes articulation issues are a manifestation in the oral-motor domain of more generalized fine-motor delays. If she currently is being serviced in these areas, that likely continues to be very appropriate. Articulation and auditory processing are both quite important to developing sound-symbol correspondence (aka, precursors to reading).

And do remember that often very bright children find their own ways to compensate, and don't necessarily end up presenting with academic difficulties. Unless you already have achievement/developmental concerns, these are areas to watch only, at the moment.

I also wouldn't be shocked if her perfectionistic/quick-to-upset/etc qualities are related at least in part to the wide divergence between her strongest strengths and her weakest weaknesses, which can lead to extra frustration with oneself not meeting one's own expectations. Plus the fact that she probably often is guessing at some of what is happening in her auditory environment, which is a pretty stressful way to live, even for an adult, let alone a very small child.

Last edited by aeh; 09/25/19 11:13 AM. Reason: autocorrect

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...