Thanks so much for all the input! We didn't get the GAI score and I can't find tables online.

DD *struggles* with math and numbers - she has great problems with rote memorization, math facts, multiplication, and dates. She has great difficulty retaining math lessons - she can read a math book and understand, but the next week cannot remember the lesson. She finds writing laborious and is a very poor speller. She has completed 3 AP exams (3 and 4's), but finds self-learning through textbooks difficult, and doubts her own abilities.

The assessment also included the WJ-IV . Her scores are mostly all in the average range, with a few very low scores

Basic reading - 96
Letter id -98
Word attack - 93
Sentence fluency - 108
Math - 93
Math Calculation - 72!!
Applied problems - 106
Math facts fluency - 62!!
Calculation - 84
Written language - 103
Spelling - 89
Writing samples - 119
Sentence writing fluency - 96