We aren’t (yet) constrained by any particular iPad apps. We are however running a complex Apple and Unix ecosystem. We were required to purchase a surface pro for the eldest child starting high school some years ago and the pain involved in integrating that into our home, especially backing it up, means that we’d have to be very motivated by specific AT not available on an Apple device to purchase something windows or chrome based.

Love the story of your child proving the dominant theory wrong with daily updates.

In terms of not needing to pay attention to content while typing, this would also be true of handwriting for some people, and many other skills are open to processing thoughtlessly...My first boyfriend was a linguist, and a proofreader for a British newspaper (when this really meant something). I remember having him proof read my essays and later asking what he thought. He’d look confused and say “I didn’t read it! I just fixed it! You have to tell me if you want me to actually read it...”