Keyboarding is an interesting accommodation in terms of “everyone should have it”. My children have a physiologically driven handwriting disability. At my eldest child’s OT assessment for senior school exam provisions her handwriting was on the 3rd percentile for speed, her typing above the 99th. It seems natural in my family that everyone would prefer to type their exams. But speaking to friends they’d be appalled if they or their children were required to type over handwriting as their whole approach to planning and writing benefits from a pen and paper. My daughter sits her exams separately so no one is distracted by the noise of her keyboard. A situation where everyone could choose which they preferred would be fair and seems not unreasonable, but would require running two exams in our system, while enforcing 100% typing will harm some people’s outcomes...

My daughters handwriting might be an issue as a primary school teacher, but there are very few careers where it will matter at all. In most cases her speed and accuracy of typing will be an asset.

Last edited by MumOfThree; 07/03/19 04:50 PM.