There was mention yesterday in a news show that there are 4 million kids graduating in any one year. So 40,000 are in the top 1 % and 4,000 in the top 0.1%. In China, you have 3 X the population. So if you get 120,000 kids in the top 1% that cannot into the top universities in China and apply here, you have a lot of kids with great scores. Now those kids need visas. But even if your have 10K kids in the top 0.1%, how do you differentiate? My kid just finished 9th grade in an accelerated school. 5+ in science, 5+ in math. She also did precalc with cty during the year. Bostonian's kid gets great scores, I imagine most of our kids have great scores. Why is MIT going to take one over another. Last year, a girl from DD's school got into Harvard, legacy, then in the spring MIT and Stanford. Perfect math scores on SAT, but not much else going on, but African American girl with perfect SAT math scores. Her main interests were classics. Classics competitions for four years. Now that is different. I just see so many kids on college confidential in the ED get waitlisted, with perfect or amazing math or science scores. So many, how do they decide which to let in, which to waitlist or reject?