Originally Posted by ashley
Originally Posted by Wren
I do not know how much you can stop someone for taking the SAT for you. Although maybe they will check IDs better.
Someone was taking the SAT on behalf of the applicant because they faked learning disabilities (with bribed assessment reports) and requested for double time (?) on the SAT which allowed the students to take the test in a hotel room where someone doctored the answers or took it on behalf of the student. There is nothing that can be done about these things unless there are strict rules about proctoring the extended-time tests at a central location with cameras and cracking down on fake LD assessments etc. This scam has so many facets that it needs to stay in the news for longer and make the public aware of the many ways in which the cheating was going on.
The College Board, if it does not already, should have a database linking SAT scores with student addresses, test locations and the names of proctors and testees. A pattern of students often traveling a long distance to take a test with a specific proctor, with accommodations, and getting high scores would trigger an investigation.