I think the principal benefits of 1:1 technology (we provide ChromeBooks to every student in our building, to keep on graduation, and have for several years; we're on, I think, our fifth or sixth cohort) for all students, not only GT learners, include:

1. leveling the (typically socio-economic) playing field with respect to basic technology skills and access to post-secondary education (which nearly all requires facility with this level of technology). In our region and others, those who qualify for FARE lunch can subscribe to subsidized internet access from the local cable company, typically in the range of $10/month;
2. making in-school assistive technology accommodations better matched to real-world technology use, as a matter of course. Students don't need to jump through hoops to receive typed response, spellcheck, text-to-speech, or speech-to-text for daily work, for example, any more than most working adults have to;
3. facilitating a shift in emphasis toward higher-level problem solving and metacognitive skills, rather than rote acquisition of concrete knowledge skills. E.g., skills for becoming a discerning consumer of information (locating and identifying reliable sources), rather than memorizing curated factoids; and yes,
4. differentiating/individualizing instruction and reinforcement activities.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...